Census, cemeteries, local histories and military records for the following states and counties
Other Resources
Not all of our books circulate but if you call, write or fax us we can help you with copies by mail.
We carry or have access to old newspapers on microfilm or online. Some dating back to 1862.
Appointment needed after 3pm-5pm.
Please call 618-524-4312 to make an appointment.
Genealogy Links
Family Search (This is a free site provided by the Church of Latter Day Saints .)
Find A Grave (This is a great free website for finding information on cemetery markers.)
Emslanders to the American Mid-West (This webpage is devoted to the identification of 19th century German emigrants who came to America from that part of Hannover known today as Emsland, Niedersachsen, and settled in the mid-western United States.)
Rootsweb (This website connects people so that they can help each other share genealogical research.)
Illinois State Archives Online (This has a list of several links that may have genealogy or family history information.)
Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War (This is a great resource for finding information on the burial locations of Civil War Vets.)
Lost Cousins (The ONLY family history website able to match you with others researching the same ancestors.)
My Heritage (This site’s goal is to provide the user with the best tools for genealogy and family history research no matter if you are a beginner or an experienced genealogist.)
Trace Your Family Roots From Immigration to US Citizenship: A Genealogy Guide
Ancestry Database